Amira's Pizza Dough (updated)

I have updated this recipe to include the amount of hot to warm water to use.  Basically, it's 1 cup warm water for every 2 1/2 cups of plain flour.  You might find you will need more water but just play around with it and start with these measurements as a guide.  The water shouldn't be too hot to touch, just like having a hot shower.

Here is my recipe for my version of pizza dough, I have included a smaller version also.  Try also using spelt flour or wholemeal instead of plain white flour.  

Ingredients - makes 6 x 35cm pizzas

8 cups plain flour
3 tab dry yeast
2 tab sugar
2 teas salt
3 tab olive oil
approx 3 1/2 cups of warm water to make a soft, non sticky, pliable dough


Ingredients - makes 3 x 35cm pizzas

5 cups plain flour
1 1/2 tab dry yeast
1 tab sugar
1 teas salt
1 1/2 teas olive oil
approx 2 cups of warm water to make a soft, non sticky, pliable dough 

1.                  Sift the dry ingredients in a large bowl.  Add the water, a cup at a time and then add oil.
2.         Mix the dry ingredients with the water until it comes together.
3.         Knead the dough onto a floured surface for about 5 minutes.  This produces the gluten to give the dough a lovely soft and spongy texture when cooked.
4.                  Allow to rest in the bowl in a warm place, to allow to rise to double the size, about 1 hour.
5.                  Remove from the bowl and knead again.  Roll out to fit into each pizza pan (lightly oiled).
6.                  Add topping of your choice.  We usually do the following simple topping:
Passata, sliced salami, olives, grated tasty cheese, drizzle with olive oil and then sprinkle with dried oregano.

Cook in a hot oven (210C) until puffed and cooked through.  ENJOY.


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